>>2620652>Wait, I never did mentioned that I made photography my profession. I would love to, but with this competition, I will never make it.>My work is kind of stressful but it pays the bills. It's nowhere near my passion.Listen m8, this is something a lot of photographers get roped into, trying to monetize your love, but let me break it down.
- I have a motorcycle, feel no need to "make it my profession". It serves no purpose other than to bring me pleasure.
- I have a $2000 laptop, I only use it to shitpost here and play DayZ. I make money, big money, off the $50 laptop I got off of eBay.
You don't need to have a career in photography, hell I looked at it myself when I first started out. Know what? I'd have to clone myself three times to make what I make *not* doing photography as a career. I'm not a huge fan of what I do for money, but doing what I do doesn't kill my passion for photography, like trying to "make it" would. Nothing will vaporize your passion faster than taking orders from someone else.
So do your boring job, and then when you're doing photography, give it all of your heart knowing that you're doing it for you. Enjoy. You don't have to justify yourself to "professional photographers" because you have a real fucking job.