>>4288417>waterWe're not talking about immersion here, we're talking about rain showers. I mostly like to shoot rainforests. It's right there in the name. Never had a broken camera due to water ingress, and my countermeasures are limited to carrying them under my arm, wearing a hat, and then putting them under a shirt or in my backpack when it's actually raining so hard you couldn't see the ground in front of you let alone take a photo of it.
>>4288382I took this on my incredible amazing Minolta Dynax 60 on rare and discontinued FujiFilm Superia X-Tra 400, but unlike you I'd normally not post it because it's a blurry photo of nothing and I possess enough self awareness to not shit up the thread with photos you'd normally delete in camera. Also unlike you I choose only post to 4chan photos that sit in between the poles of technically acceptable and good enough to print/share/put my name against, which means I need to be fucked editing something mediocre, which normally I'm not.
Attaching a snapshit to a post doesn't boost its credibility, which is why you continue to have none. Your photographic output consists of feeding money and film into a big churning blender which sprays shit (and dog hair) onto the 4channel board /p/'s recurring Film General Thread. All we can hope is that either the money or the cows' patience runs out soon.