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Lee Carter: Is Terry Richardson a New Yorker or a So. Cal. kind of guy?
Terry Richardson: I think it’s not where you’re from, it’s where you are, and right now I’m in New York. I feel like a New Yorker.
LC: Do you have another place in New York, or do you call this studio home?
TR: This is it—home, everything. I like how you refer to it as the studio. The French call it le studio. A lot’s gone on this couch, let me tell you.
LC: Uh, should I get up?
TR: No. Just kidding. Sort of.
LC: Do you still skateboard?
TR: The last time I went skateboarding I was hit by a cab. I got a bruised hip and my face was cut up. I realized I shouldn’t be skating around the streets of New York City. Safety first. Now I have an indoor skateboard.
LC: You skate in here?
TR: Yeah, on my little skateboard, the best $6 I ever spent in a thrift store. We have naked skateboarding contests. That’ll be the concept for a future ad campaign, naked skateboarding.
LC: Naked skateboarding would be one of your tamer concepts. Has there been a time when you felt you’d gone too far? Too explicit?
TR: No, but there are a lot of pictures that have never run.