>>3187192LMAO Gun deaths. I hope you realize that it's not the number of deaths you care about. If that was the case, you'd also be feverishly against cars too, which actually aren't a guaranteed right by the constitution. You're told to care about the deaths because CNN told you to.
>people who don't believe in basic scientific concepts for reasons that are ideological instead of having to do with lack of access to educational resourcesLike the gender spectrum, with 50 different genders? Or are you talking about climate change, which was called global warming 10 years ago, which was the ozone 10 years before that, which was sea level rise 10 years before that, which was actually global cooling 10 years before that. It's all a farce. With you """""SCIENCE""""" (aka government-funded propaganda) tell me, if according to scientists now, we've been seeing a steady rise in global temperatures since the industrial revolution due to increased CO2 levels, why is it that scientists in the 70's and 80's looking at the same data actually reached the opposite conclusion? Was data manipulated? Please answer, I love to see mental gymnastics at work, huge fan of it