>>3653514Andrew you bought an absolute shitter of a camera for the memed price of $320 CAD. I've had two of them in similar condition to yours (both purchased for under $100 AUD), both of which died after less than 5 rolls went through them. First one would only stay turned on if the sliding clam shell was held a certain way then eventually it just wouldn't turn on, second one had the LCD fail then it started to severely underexpose all photos by about 3-4 stops. Both of these cameras were not able to be fixed.
The only good thing the MJU offers is it's size and it's "splash proof", in every other aspect it's lacking. AF sucks, lack of repairability, poor built quality/feels plasticy, lens vignettes when it stops down, the corners have noticeable chromatic aberration/softness at any aperture and they go for a memeable price.
>brags about having f/2.8 on a point and shootYou won't even be able to take advantage of the f/2.8 aperture since you can't control the aperture what so ever and in situations where the camera will stop down to f/2.8 it'll want to turn the flash on anyway.
At least with something like the Oly XA you can manually set the aperture to f/2.8, they can be found for much cheaper btw.
>overpriced as fuck 4.5-6.9 zoom memeJust don't start there
Picked up pic related for $50 AUD and it can do everything a memeju can at a similar size and it has a nicer lens, better AF and is built better. I dropped the fucker (onto rocks) as you can see and it's still working as if it was new, a memeju wouldn't of survived the fall especially with the clam-shell being so integral to the camera's operation.