>>4127427So OP... I was where you are now literally less than 5 months ago - and I was also asking for gear advice right here on 4ch... Although I had a slightly bigger budget than you, coming up at 6,200 EUR for my gear and 500 EUR that I though I needed to start my own business, which it later turned out that in my country I can do that for free and only had to pay like 10-15 EUR for paperwork... Anyhow, I have ended up spending exactly 6,000 EUR of my total budget, which I have saved up specifically and only for this and with those 6,000 EUR I have gotten basically everything I wanted and everything that I needed to begin with my photography business...
I was in a slightly different situation from you, I focused my business around fashion/beauty/portraiture. I also don't know what your exact budget is. So based on my very recent experiences, to save you up some hassle and time, aside from a camera and a lens, here are some tips:
>don't waste money on a pc, just get a laptop from the get goget a laptop and buy a tether cable A S A P! Shoot tethered! Workflow is much smoother and the whole experience is sooo much better for both you and your client/s - not to mention sooo much more professional and much faster, because you can adjust and edit on location and you can do any adjustments together with your client - i've gotten soooo many compliments for doing that and people recommend me more to others because of it!
>fuck gear, honestly, im not joking, ignore focusing on gear. you will save a ton of moneyyou said you want to do commercial and portraits so start with a 24-105 or equivalent.
>flash, strobes, backdrop, SSD storage, USB cables, extra batteries and a tripodi know, this is basic knowledge self explanatory, still wanted to mention this because i made the mistake of forgetting to buy extra batteries which literally cost me and i refused to buy a strobe until recently - so much better with than without. difference in quality of my work is night and day