>>4017164>What's the fastest you've pushed it to?6400.
It's not great but useable to get a shot.
I think at those light levels though that you'll need that speed - i.e. ISO6400, aperture f/1.4-f/2 and shutter speed around 1/30 - light is a bit too shit (in quality) to get anything nice, even if correctly exposed. It's gonna be flat, reflected dim light, with no distinct shadows or anything interesting going on.
In fact, if shot can't be shot at f/2, 1/30 and ISO1600, chances are light is of shit quality and not worth fretting over it, might as well crack out the flashgun.
(Pic is Delta at 6400, in Xtol, exposure f/1.5 at 1/30 or so. I'd say it's the practical limit for low light handheld photography with film).
>>4017318Cheers anon, it's refreshing to have a pleasant /fgt/.