>>3314434>>3314431Actually, doing good photos of flowers is extremely difficult. This is obviously because everyone and their brother is taking photos of flowers all day every day. The hard part is knowing when to take the photo. The photo in
>>3314431 is technically okay in regards to sharpness, focus, and color, but the composition is terrible and the subject is ultimately flawed by what surrounds it. Sometimes the beauty of the flower keeps you from seeing everything else around it. That is the hard part. Once you get past that and start composing the shots better, you'll look out for things like random ants, wilted flowers or torn petals near it, clashing color combinations in the background, boring lighting, etc. Then you have to ask yourself, "should I crop this later?" Then you need to know if you should make the DOF thinner in order to isolate the flower from the background and if that will make part of the flower out of focus, but fix problems in the background. Or, should parts of it be out of focus. Are you documenting something, making art, or both? Then you have people arguing about what should be in focus or not, because one person sees it as art and the other sees it as documenting something where they want to see all of the subject.
Flower photography is one of the more difficult forms of photography.