>>2713439>>2713451>>2713452https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YaTgJqMvT0w basically became an inside maymay song as it was playing the whole time as no-one really remembered the steps. We threw some hash and cannabis in it, it was mostly indica iirc, when the cake was ready /int/ anon took a small slice and went home, we ate a piece each but after 2h I still felt nothing, so I took 2 more pieces, an hour later I realized I was high as fuck and trying to edit Bangladesh's wikipedia page because I thought it was rather cold over there, but I couldn't stop laughing, I wasn't really able to edit any page, my typing was shit as well. When I listened to music I couldn't understand the English anymore, it all became Flemish, grammatically correct but plain non-sense, also I thought there was something pink flying around outside, it made some mocking sound. Later on I got paranoid and I could hear police everywhere, someone I ended up in the same bed as my friend again, I began laughing and he could only tell me about the fact that his roommate was going to bring her father to our place, he could hear them he said, he was paranoid as hell. He later got a call, it was only 21:00, but I thought it was 6-7:00, my perception of time was so fucked. He tried to clean everything up but was too high to actually do anything, I grabbed my shit and headed downstairs, then I rode that bike to the station, and when I arrived in the other station I had that problem with the fucking ghosts, but eventually I got home.
Also, his roommate is a literal gommie.