>>4370988Here you go. Regardless of content this image printed exactly how I wanted it to with zero dodging or burning on graded silver chloride paper. I had the vision of the print looking like this before I took the picture and because I exposed and developed it correctly it worked out perfectly with zero fiddling or fussing. Exposure time and dev time, that was it.
Delta 100 @ 50iso, staining pyro developer. Measured around 7-8 contrast range, which was high for printing on already high contrast paper. Staining developers work to help compress the highlights, and this developer is also quite low contrast already. I actually added additional accelerator to the developer because I wanted to preserve the stronger highlights and I have a good feel for my developer.
Silver chloride in amidol develops everything at the same time. The highlights, midtones, and shadows all come in at an equal rate. There are ways to help bring your highlights down, but they were not needed because my negative was perfect.
>>4370992Lol. You know how dumb you sound because you forgot to mention the whole point of getting proper exposures? It's to make them PRINT well! DUH.