How legit would you say this is? edit with CS6, and the plugins I have torrented are:
*Digital Anarchy Flicker Free
*Film Convert Pro 2.17 (does not work in either After Effects or Premiere on my desktop, on my laptop it does for whatever reason)
*Neat Video (only appears in Premiere, not After Effects)
Not sure why I am having those issues with plugins (Film Convert and Neat Video). Any ideas on what I can do to fix this?
What other plugins might I need? I want to do some better color correction, I torrented Reg Giants All Suites, but i'm confused what to do from there, I literally just want a 16/32bit plugin that lets me adjust the levels and colors with curves (or like After Effects Level plugin, but in premiere).
Do you know of a good workflow for color correction? What I liked about avid was you could do good color correction in the same program (I disliked alot of others things about Avid, such as fixed framerates, frame sizes, etc.)