>>3818230>>You mean lenses you can continue to use when you decide to go FF which is where the entire industry is going.>I don't see full frame glass as a disadvantage either but if you use EF glass you're probably going to need to use adapters in the future, fuckers are killing DSLRs. Granted. In EF's defense it adapts seamlessly to RF.
>>>3818208>>Also: you're not getting a brighter image with all cameras stopped down for the same DoF, you're basically getting the same brightness.>No, you're getting a darker image for the same DoF. f-stop equivalency is about DoF, not about light intensity It absolutely is about light intensity. Why else do you think FF is cleaner at the same f-stop, and just as clean at the DoF equivalent f-stop? The point intensity only varies (for same DoF) because the amount of light is spread over a larger surface area. Different formats are basically equivalent in noise and diffraction effects for same FoV and DoF. But larger formats can record more detail.
>FF does have a small edge over MFT but it's remarkable how close MFT gets. A lot of the credit goes to their amazing glass. I would never guess it's a sensor with 1/4 of the area competing with the big boys there.Eh...