Continuing with the skin editing, part of her skin is whiteish, other parts are yellow and then in the darkers areas it goes pretty red. Were you by any chance spanking her?
I know most people that start out want to keep skin "natural irl color" but there is nothing wrong with evening out her skin tone and making sure she doesn't have 3 different shades of it.
It's important to remember as well that IRL portrayal is much different than in photos and even then cameras fuck up color all the time, I mean that's the whole reason we edit right?
>>2902716Another example of bad placement, her head literally blends into the rock. If you had placed her in front of the darker rock, you would have a MUCH better contrast and separation of subject due to color difference.
This hair blending in with other highlights also happens in the earlier B&W photos as well.
>>2902736The colors in this is good and all, but her black sweater blends into the shadows. You see how this placement pattern keeps happening?
Go back and re-edit and get rid of the b&w stuff, edit it in color.