>>4410245>have a trip coming up>have a D700 >want to upgrade to something more discreet, with contemporary low-light performance and video capability>settle on D780>go to local store>they don't have it on hand, have to order a day in advance>salesperson says they're seldom requested, suggests a z6ii instead for the same price (sans the adapter) as the better option>current lenses are nikon g's, one long tele sigma but the favorite is the 80-200 DWat nou?
>invest into milc (for the extra price of an adapter that costs more than my 24-85) but lose af on the favorite lensor
>commit to 5+ more years of dslr with what appears to be their swan songThis topic must've come up often in the past. Today, youtube is of little help, filled by squarespace peddlers with infinite budgets repeating each other and testing af in the sterile conditions of their well-lit rooms.
—I find the old mechanical nature of dslrs and their ovf more authentic and, maybe, artistic, but evf should ultimately yield better photos. Unless it lags? There should be a delay. Also, looking at videos like
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=auBSHSYGVRE it looks like there is stutter when the screen blacks out. Apparently the settings also flicker? This may be a dealbreaker. Dslr bursts are fluid.
—Got doubts about robustness, remembering sonys having condensation, sensor issues, overheating etc.
—Milc batteries are rated at fewer shots (officially). With dslr I once walked around whole day with vr lenses took 2600ish photos and the camera still had juice in it. Some milc posters say they get >2k when shooting timelapses and long exposures though so the endurance greatly depends on use case but for trips and walkabouts dslrs sound more optimal.
—I favor lenses from 90-00s, have no interest in expensive z-glass atm.
OTOH video performance, ibis, novelty and this evidently being the future trend are tempting.
Mostly looking for testimonies of those who switched and those who refuse to.