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Guys im extremely worried flickr is about to go under.
Today I logged into my account and a giant black box comes down that covers 2 out of 3 rows of images. There is no option to close it or make it go away. And it just flashes adds non stop so its really distracting to your eyes while you try to just look at one line of photos across the bottom of your screen.
I half solved it by zooming my screen the fuck out making the images small so I can fit 2 rows of images in the part I can see but now the images are quite small.
That is on top of already having ads everywhere and spamming my email address with spam.
I also have a paid account but found out that anytime I sent a link to other people to see my images they see an ad every 3-5 images and also get a pop up box on every single image asking them to join.
They wouldnt be doing this unless they are about to go bankrupt, its so unuser friendly now. Its basically saying pay up or quit.