Based on the above, enumerate the Pros and Cons of PDAF and Contrast AF.
Phase detection AF Pros
Suitable against moving subject
High speed AF possible
Achievements and stability that have been used for many years
Phase detection AF Cons
It can be installed only in DSLR
Separately AF dedicated sensor is required
It's difficult to raise AF accuracy
Structural complexity and high assembly precision required
It cannot be used for movie-shooting or live-view shooting
The amount of light entering the sensor is small, and it's difficult for AF operation at low illuminance
Contrast AF Pros
Easy to increase AF accuracy
No separate AF sensor required. It can be mounted on compact cameras, mirrorless cameras, smartphones
It can be used for movie shooting and live view shooting
AF possible area is wide
AF operation with low illumination is possible
Since an actual image is used, the AF accuracy is higher than the PDAF and On-Sensor PDAF
Contrast AF Cons
AF speed tends to be slow
The moving subject is relatively weak
Panasonic neutralizes disadvantages with DFD.