Questions about videoing political stuff ...
How much trouble could I get for doing any of the following things? Or would I be fine in the eyes of John Q law.
1.) My wife isn’t tech savvy but since I have autism she doesn’t want me to video stuff unless it’s for someone else. She’s a die hard Republican so she’d let me film for a Republican group. So I would create a fake mail account for a group that doesn’t exist and send my self an e-mail asking me to make videos for them. I wouldn’t impersonate anyone, I would create a factious person. I’d also use this person/group to justify me buying expensive camera and lighting gear to make said videos. She’d be happy for me to get more gear if she thinks it’s for somebody else or a group and not just because I want more gear; would doing this be fraud of some type?
2.) I would use deep fake to make it look like Trump was saying that traitors in his cabinet were working for the Deep State and trying to stop Net Neutrality laws from getting passed to stop him from draining the swamp. QAnon stuff.
3.) I would make videos saying that the Deep State was planning false flag operations to pass gun control laws because they want to destroy the second amendment. My goal would be to stop gun control legislation from passing.
4.) I would then make videos trying to get people from both parties to goto to make a donation to help their party win. I would be doing that for the lulz of course.
If let’s say I used a bmpcc 4k is their in exif data that I’d need to remove from braw so my videos don’t get traced back to me or doesn’t black magic put info that could get traced back to me in their codecs.
I mean of course legal trouble not trouble with my wife, or trouble with angry people from either party mad that I trolled them and got some lulz at their expense.