>>2953776>OS HSMok, so a relatively fair trade then. Still, I'm a little over that huge dustpump lens design, even if i am sort of interested in that lens... still a maybe from me, but I suspect we would both be better off not doing the trade, what you said about a DA sounds like the correct choice. But let me know if you go back to wanting it.
Yeah its a great lens, but its got its flaws. Most are just personal preference for me, minor physical and mechanical things that get annoying after you have used a 'better' lens.
I suspect using my monopod is the source of most of my coupling-rotation issues. I'm sttrong enough that lifting 3.5Kg of gear in one hand with the camera as the hold-point is something I did without much thought or care, so it's very likely I applied force in a way that stretched the pin in my camera very slightly, and that was enough. Interestingly many of the lenses I have used in that setup already had the same issue when I got them, and when I checked the lens mount slot for any distortion there was one in a few cases, but so incredibly minor that it's hard to believe that was the source. I'm thnmking that its an issue with pentax's mount pin thaat my particular taste for large lenses and not being too gentle has exacerbated.
Image related, another lens that was like this on receipt. I'm pretty sure very few people would have it cause them problems, much less even notice it's cause.