>>4262726vision 3 is "cheap",
you can't dev it at the lab because of the remjet will fuck their machines (unless they specifically say they do cinema film)
hardest part would be going from 400ft to 100ft in the dark, but have a look on ebay if you are in the americas for "short ends" (left over film from shoots)
you can dev at home using c41 chems with pretty much no difference than ECN-2
you can remove remjet with some baking soda, and a microfibre to get the last 1%
you also have to scan, so depends on how much time you have to fuck around with the whole process
I worked it out to be about $0.30AUD a shot once you factor in cost of film and dev, vs $0.9/shot using portra
pic is the price from kodak australia in may, still thinking about if its worth it, ive just been shooting whats in my fridge for now