"Previous OP is nowhere to be found after writting the wall of text below" edition
This is the thread for posting your film images without flushing them down the Recent Photo Toilet.
It is OK to talk about gear in this thread.
>just posting in the /fgt/ doesn't make you gay; unless you're heavily invested in third party A-mount glassAfter a protracted absence from the OP role, I feel the /fgt/ has slipped far enough that it requires my gentle guidance once more. You gypsie fucks can't be trusted with anything. How hard is it to post an OC square format image that actually contains some film to start a thread? Why can't you post photos here, for the love of god? It is heartening to see the number of film-only blog threads increasing, even if many of them are started by tripfriends; /p/ is indeed a film board. However, this thread is where we need the rank snapshits to start accompanying one-liner response posts; don't be afraid to fill this thread with the kind of throwaway FILM images that characterise the digital RPT. It doesn't take away from your text-post to attach a little piccy.
>together, we can have /p/ disbanded and split into /vid/ and /film/...Previous thead: