>>3944030Actually, these demonstrate that you've never paid attention to my threads because they're "too long" (you probably have ADHD and a prescription to match it)
They're reposts.
This thread is one branch of many on a tree that is my body of work.
The artistry is in the overlap, which is patently inaccessible to those who have an antagonistic relationship with the act of simply browsing through a large collection of photos.
You'd be amazed how few photographers enjoy looking through photos.
I'd consider these outtakes as beating you over the head with spirituality and prophecy moreso than the first set. You can't get more obvious than a white deer.
And yet, as a know-nothing, you don't recognize the significance of a white deer, or of addressing it with this picture attached to this post.
Different messages for different viewers.
>>3944029>>3944022>>3941223>>3941224>>3941225Heck, ways I see it, there's no way it ain't about the comin' of the Lord of England!