>>4243596Two things, big straps and I'm a fat fuck so I have some cushion there too. But like, anything really big like my MF or LF kit I just slip on a tripod and sling it over my shoulder like I'm carrying a rifle. My tripod has foam all over the legs so it's really not that bad to carry. I hiked like 5 miles in Greenbriar TN outside of Gatlinburg with my RB on a tripod and carrying the lens hard case too. I figure if I'm gonna die I'm gonna go out doing what I love.
But a place like Utah I'll suffer for my art and carry that F5 and D800 if it means I get that shot, fuck it we ball. It's not like they're my EDC. And out in Moab that kind of stuff I can show up to tourist hot spots and almost everyone gets out of your way because they think you're some big shot who works for National Geographic or some shit or they see the big lens and think it's a lot of money so they don't get too close which is good because I fuckin hate people.
>>4243395I mean yeah, not wrong but most of the FF stuff I work with is 16-24mp, and my D800 is 36 but the DX part works out to like 24mp I think and instead of switching lenses back and forth I'd rather have my 300/2.8 on the D800 and the 600 on something like the D500 for its AF capability. I don't really do enough birds to warrant that setup I use it for Bonneville and other motorsports. Both FF and APS-C have their strengths and weaknesses and I think they both have a place in the photography world. I loved my Rebel when I shot Canon and my D40 has been my EDC with an 18-55 VR II ED kit lens, it's a featherweight and I love the CCD colors.