>>2994026I think I understand what you're saying, and if I do then I agree. I think the conventional beauty of stuff like the rule of thirds, golden ratio, etc. are only helpful as a place to start. To only think of an image as being beautiful if it completely adheres to those lines is so creatively limiting. The reason I'm studying the lines is just so that the beauty is in the back of my head while I'm creating my own shots. I don't want to approach something and think "how can I incorporate a Golden Spiral into this shot" or "is the rule of thirds being applied here?" What is above all is the function of the shot in relation to the content of the scene, whether that be story, tone, character dynamics, etc. This is especially true in moving camerawork, as one shouldn't base creative decisions on how to move the camera on if it'll adhere to a compositional line but instead be based on what is being shown.