These are objectively shit. I could have gone the rest of my day without seeing this. None of these are in focus and there's tons of motion blur in the indoor game hall shots.
This is a Sigma 35/1.4 ART you mean to tell me you are so shit at photography you have one of the best low-light 35mm lenses money can buy (because I have one too so I know) and you still fumbled getting her in focus and avoiding motion blur. Jesus Christ I could have nailed these on my fucking Pixel 7 better than you did. You spent all that money on a good lens and still couldn't buy any talent.
>>4308849and you still fucked it up, that lens does f1.4 you mean to tell me you fumbled a low light shot with that kind of capability, this is like losing a boxing match to a retard with a cleft palate and a congenital hand deformity. You're not a photographer you're a GWC, Guy With a Camera and until you develop your skills and get more practice in, study the classics and then practice some more, you will never be a photographer.
God damn read a fucking book, this one, pic related. Don't come back here until you have done something useful with your pathetic excuse of an existence you grab-asstic piece of amphibian shit.