>>3618352>>3618424>>3618427>>3618428I've owned the Fuji Tiara Zoom, Konica Big Mini, Konica A4, x3 Ricoh R1s, Contax TVSii, 2x Olympus Mju ii and guess what? They shit themselves within 2 months of owning them.
Tiara Zoom/TVSii the flex cable in the lens snapped, Big Mini/A4 the flex cable to the film door broke, Ricoh R1s/Mju II the LCD display died, Ricoh R1S again it started underexposing my images, Mju II the lens would retract randomly when it was open.
These compact cameras that rely so much on electronics just aren't holding up, they will die on you and you can't fix them.
The Olympus XA is the only compact camera I've owned that I haven't had any issues with. I've owned a XA and XA3 for about 2 years and a XA4 for about a year and I haven't had an issue with any of them.
Plus the XA looks cool as heck.