>>3463957To add on, I guess I can be a little more helpful.
I think you aren't delving deeply into what draws you to these subjects. You mention it is near where you live--good, do what you know. But what is the work saying? It it romanticizing the rural past of these areas? Many of the structures seem dilapidated, but the pink light tries to make give them esteem. It it for nostalgia, is it a comparative study (a la Bernd and Hilla Becher), or something else? You've seemed to move beyond the grand picturesque of nature to include these "ugly" human structures? Why? You mention people purchasing prints, are they drawn to the grain elevator ones as well? What do they like about them enough to purchase and look at over and over (presuming they see similar views in the regular life as well). This is where I think again of childhood, nostalgia, etc--for a rural America, "a simpler time", etc?
I know 4chan is anti fine-art world, and I am too to an extant, but I think critiques are a healthy thing, maybe you could visit a critique group. Obviously not everything they say is going to be helpful ("where's the class/gender/race critique?", etc), but it is useful for examining your work more deeply. Because honestly, I can only see surface level views with this body of work (I know it is preliminary and again, I don't mean any offense.)
Hope this helps...