>>3628080It's your opinion, dawg. Seems legit to me despite being the polar opposite of my feelings.
Here's my feeling about film photography:
>35mmThe best and most fun. Fast paced and very enjoyable and easy to carry cameras. Image quality is more than enough for printing up to 24" now that I can scan properly.
>medium formatGood for slow shooting such as long exposures at night. Any gains in IQ is completely lost as I never need the IQ afforded by my 6x6 kit. I've gone from shooting only 6x6 and about a hundred rolls of 120 a year down to shooting maybe 5-6 rolls a year.
>large formatCompletely the wrong working methodology for me. Would drive me insane with its slowness. I would in no way ever capitalize on the IQ. Movements are the only appeal.
My opinion on all of this will probably change in another few years. Maybe I'll swing back to shooting mostly 120 agian.