There is a perennial troll in these threads who alternatively claims be a college student studying plastic material science and then claims to run a plastics research lab when that doesn't convince anybody, all to make the fallacious claim that plastic camera lenses are these ticking time bombs that will, in their 50th year of existence or at temperatures lower than about 50 degrees Fahrenheit, burst apart into a million pieces due to becoming just too brittle to maintain their solid state. From posts like
>>3273400, we can conclude that he is not American, but probably an Aussie or Brit. I've never seen him post any photography. He prefers to stay quiet until he can show off his knowledge of "facts" about plastic.
Pic related is what I imagine he looks like. Which one of you created this guy by baiting him too hard? I know people here have been known to bully users badly. Andrew Eglington quit posting here after being bullied. Most recently, Technically Correct tripfag stopped posting here after being bullied so badly. Sometimes these victims resurrect as trolls. That's who I think the "matsci" dude is. One of the fools you all have bullied over the years.