>>3262153I would also try with higher ISO paper if you can get some. It took me forever getting holes just right. It can be frustrating. I found that if did a couple, measure them, eyeball them to compare by eyeballing against a bright background then make a bunch more without measuring in between then go and measure all of them at once, it was faster and easier. Using aluminum foil certainly was the way to go for doing all that.
>Although idk what to do from this point. If you have a DSLR or mirrorless, make a body cap pinhole like this. It isn't as extreme as the recessed pinhole cap and is super easy to do. I used regular tape and melted a hole in the middle with a hot needle so it wouldn't cover the pinhole. If you have any loose lenses like from magnifying glasses, old broken camera lenses, projector lenses, etc you can make a large format camera. It is all the same as the pinhole but far fer easier. You can get some really neat photos with only a single lens and no aperture, but a paper cutout aperture taped over the lens will stop it down and remove the haziness of spherical aberrations.