>>4374177>>4374182>>4374183>>4374189I like how these all have unequivocally manmade elements like the power cables and towers (and human interventions in the environment like the the pathway and even the monoculture and pasture) and yet feel so devoid of any life
it feels as if there are no animals in there, no other types of plants apart from the single certain crop used in the monocultural landscape
it all feels so structural
in the sense of a structure that we have made but never come back to, it's just kept there, monitored from afar
some people even pretend they're autonomous – in a completely fetishist fashion, as if objects were operated by themselves.
it's not meant to be kept around, it's like the underwater cables of internet we lay throughout the oceans and never looked back at them (as individuals, as someone actually laying eyes at the cables. They were never seen again, never looked at by anyone anymore)
consequently they also seem devoid of time, could be structures of 10, 20, some of them 50 years ago
I wish there weren't people in this one
>>4374179in my comprehension of the series they don't belong
monoculture as abandoned technology is eerily beautiful
would be one of the best in the series with the rich texture from the irregular terrain (which is somehow "flat" too because every little mountain has the same height, as if they were smushed by a giant glass from above)
even as a single photo I don't like the people there, they draw too much attention and I can automatically "hear" them
in all of the other photos you can almost hear that particular sound of complete silence if not for only the wind blowing in a vast space
not in this one (at least not without covering the people with your thumb; then you can clearly get it)
loved the first three I quoted, good job