>>3623951She originally wanted 500, then dropped it to 300 for everything and I talked her down to 250 because I couldn't get the camera to work at the time of the deal, I bought it anyway on a gamble and it paid off, the battery contacts needed cleaning and I did the rest of the work to it. Today I'm going to plow through the test roll and if all is well I will have probably half of my 35mm gear for sale, and it will be for cheap, over on
apug.org. I have a 35 2.8 and 35/2 AI converted, a 50 1.4 ais, and a few other lenses I won't need anymore now that I've got these.
If it all sells, I will make my money back essentially making this F3, 50 1.2 and 35 1.4 free.