>>2947214Here is a copy of the UniquePhoto invoice. These items + bottles + water are all thats needed.
Take the developer/replenisher kit and mix according to instructions. You will have 5L of replenisher. To get a working solution you add some starter and water. There is a bit of math involved with the amount of starter and water to add, but when finished you will have 6.5L of working solution. There is enough starter in the bottle to mix up 5 of the replenisher kits. I use 2L Pepsi bottles for storage and squeeze any air out. Some people use the working solution one shot. I develop a roll and pour back into the bottle. I have 8 rolls through the first 2L bottle with no apparent density change. I'm hoping the developer keeps as well as the Unicolor does, but that's an unknown right now. Chems are 1 month old and so far so good.