>>4210665The main issue with this board is that's difficult to take decently composed photos, let alone ones that have serious artist and are interesting to look at. For this reason, everyone just shit-talks every other camera brand that they don't use. They speculate about shit that doesn't matter.
I especially make people seethe bc they know I'm successful. No one here understands anything techincal, nor can they actually give good feedback/critique. So you just get called a hack. This is in stark contrast to my career and business. Which does very well. There are tons of threads where some anon claims some ridiculous about something technical.
>hurr durr film has better colors than digital>but but snoy has green skin tones Whenever pull out A to B comparisons, or theory from a textbook, they abandon the thread and it dies.
>>4210672>>4210674Pure seethe. Love it. Heres another building corner
>>4210711/o/ and /g/ are far better than /p/. Actual discussions happen over there about stuff.
>>4210714>And don't get into gear arguments you aren't prepared to lose dramatically because camera quality is so subjective no matter what you think you will be called stupid for wanting something.I don't loose gear arguments bc I've done my own A/B testing and can post results or theory from textbooks. I also don't argue about shit I don't know about.
>>4210800Not interesting nor well composed