>>3025640Pretty much this. There's also a 6x8 motor drive back and a 70mm back if you're into that stuff.
It's a very good medium format camera but you will get super jacked by carrying it around my copy weighed in at 11lb with the prism finder and left grip. My Graphic View 4x5 weighs 1lb more and it's full movement and all-metal.
The 50mm, 90mm and 180mm are the Holy Trinity for this camera. Try to get KL versions they are more expensive but worth it. All of their lenses use 77mm filters.
The RB was basically, all of the size and bulk of a large format camera with the convenience of roll film in a slightly smaller format. 6x7 is plenty of resolution, pic related on Provia 400x. You'll do great things with it if you get one. They are full mechanical so you'll either need to Sunny 16, light meter, or be able to calculate exposure in your head which takes some time to learn how to do. It's full manual exposure as a result.
Have the light seals done I did mine when I had it. You can buy the kit yourself for like 20 bucks it comes with the door seals, the two seals on the rotating back and mirror bump stop seals. I can't remember the name of the man who does it but his first name is John. He is on
APUG.org and eBay too I believe.
Prices have come down quite a bit since I got mine, for the price I should have paid for the body back then (I got it free) you can buy the whole kit with those 3 lenses.