>>2590995Do you actually own one like you claim to?
Because no it's not. It's moderately smaller than a Fujifilm X100 (mostly just shorter, and moderately thinner)
It's still much too bulky to walk around with it in your pocket, let alone sit with it. The only people that ever talk about how pocketable Ricoh GRs are people that are masturbating over them on the internet. Most actual GR owners seem to carry it on a wrist strap, in a coat pocket (a far different matter than a jeans pocket; my XE1 can fit a coat pocket) or have a dedicated little pouch for it.
I wouldn't think a GR owner would be opposed to showing off his GR or his J Crew. Odd, that. Have a photo of the "pocketable" GR next to two non-pocketable cameras. Much pocketability.