>>4053628>subject as isBullshite, photographer's subjectivity is always involved while they are taking a photograph. He/her chooses to put their camera whatever the fuck he/her wants and have they own intentions behind that decision.
>You think the photographer knows you and works for you, this implies several mental problems from your part due to an heliocentric view of your lifeNo, I am making a larger claim about documentary which leans heavily towards perverse "positivity" of a subject to virtue signal how much of an """empathetic""" human bean they're.
>You can't see nor interpret basic clues in images, for example in the OP pic the girl has cunning whore eyes, overall resting bitch face, overshot cleavage and a clear tattoo in her mid torso, meaning she's a libertine and an eccentric one at that for using so much makeup at the beach.Big OOF, we're back at the bullshit center of all art, le cultural signifiers which only work for people who belong to those cultures because only they can interpret those signifiers.
What is third problem? Being a fag?
Only Michael Schmidt was able transcend this perversity even though his "message" was still of yuppie liberal perversity.