>>3402497But it's a backward landscape and not an area of progress. Nestled up in the far Northwest corner of the state along the shore of Lake Erie, it's financially and socially forgotten land. Rural life is being choked out and made harder daily, take this image for example. About two years ago a semi carrying a load too tall (Sugar?) hit this bridge crossing the interstate and caused minor damage. They left it open for a few years as a one-lane bridge, but eventually decided to remove it for good. Demolition was almost complete when I was there. They will never rebuild it, meaning that locals must go many miles either way to cross the interstate and get into town. The other bridges in this corridor are also too low for the national standards, and will eventually be hit by semis and also reduced to nothing. Eventually the southern side of the interstate will be all but cut off from the lake and the communities up there.
The last image was drum scanned, this was just thrown onto the Epson with no dust clean up or anything.