>>4125849With purposefully incorrect CRI and really diffuse light? It'll throw your white balance off and produce somewhat soft scans. People typically use LED panels chosen for their CRI, tungsten lamps with filters, or use recycled enlarger heads and experiment with different diffuser materials and distances between the diffuser, film, and light source as a harshness filter/slider. With pixel shift modes on modern cameras it can be pretty good and beat out midrange scanners. The end result looks like this. The better the shit you build your scanner out of, the better the results will be.
A homemade setup like this can end up being $1-300 if you use a quality enlarger head in good condition, assuming you already have a good high resolution camera with a pixel shift mode and a good macro lens. If you don't, a sharp macro lens and a camera with pixel shift would be another $1500 or so. Just think about the break even costs on that.