>>2987963Yeah I don't really buy into of that forum bullshit. Anytime I need to do research on something, be it developing or lenses or anything, I end up at apug or lfphotographyforums through a google search and quickly make a big sigh at how much those people get caught up into details instead of actually shooting and enjoying themselves. If it were up to those people I would be cowering in a corner of a dark room, completely afraid to develop my own film, use any of my lenses, or leave the house and actually take a photo.
I will say my old 75mm Super Angulon can get a little soft in the corners but that may just be due to how wide it is and it's older design. I don't think there's a huge difference in colors between all of them. Multicoated typically do better with flare but somehow the uncoated 75 I have does ok shooting straight into the sun and my Fuji 135 is the worst about flaring. I have no idea what people mean when they say it's clinical in rendering. It's fine and does a great job.
Good question about the maximum bellows extension. For those closeups I almost always use the 135 with the bellows out almost twice that far. The Toyo only goes out to 300mm which limits you on the long end and I can't focus all that close with the 210mm so the 135 works perfectly. When you're really far out don't forget to add exposure time for bellows compensation. I usually need to add a full stop for those close-ups.
Here's a Velvia shot with that "clinical" Fuji lens.