>>3062045Yeah I won't have the funds available until the middle of next month. I just need to make a purchase before the end of May, if I grab a new camera at all. Hopefully we'll see a Mark 3, but I have my doubts that it will be within my price range. I'm expecting it to come in at about $2500 just for the body, just above the A7rII/A7sII.
>>3062042I've gotten a lot out that 16-50. Nearly all of my photos up until recently have been on it. Pic related. Also here's a few more, practically all shot with available light and not all under the best of conditions:
http://imgur.com/a/NHd1n>>3061872I could keep using the a6000, but at this point myself and the owner are both convinced that there's something wrong with the body itself. Even at locked settings and shooting at the native ISO under studio lighting conditions images come out noisy, as if I was shooting at 1600 ISO or higher. At one con I was able to use a friend's beat up A7 for a few hours, and all the shots off of that were noticeably better.
I know the a6000 is one of this board's favorites, and I do love the camera. I've just outgrown it and feel it's about time to move on to something better.
I'll be honest though, I wish the geotagging feature of the a6500 was made available as a software update to the rest of Sony's cameras since it's just a phone sync feature. That's something I'd love to have for organizational purposes.