>>3587086>>There are no differences in ability to 'color grade' between sensors in RAW, even old sensors>ever tried stand-up? i bet you would achive some results here, cause your statements one funny than anotherProve it faggot. There are countless test RAWs at DPReview and Imaging Resource. Download a pair and color grade them the same and show us this advantage you think exists.
>>25,600 is not significantly better on the A73 than on any other FF>you can go dpr and compare. its significantly better than most of old full-framesIt's the same as contemporary cameras, and no more than 0.5ev better than a 2012 camera in terms of noise. No doubt you'll now call people incels and say FIELD GOOD LAB BAD MKAY? even though you said go to dpr.
>>edgy color grade presets>i need to call preset pack thus way sounds cool>it feels for me like i bothering you buy just hanging out here and disagreeing with you You bother everyone because your claims are bullshit that you can't back up. Go practice your English on reddit.