>>3681285It'd come with a 55-200mm lens, but I figure I could get my hands on one of those too. I'd be doing some light full body portraits for this girl I know as a side hustle, but I'm more interested on capturing urban life. I witness a bunch of surreal situations on the regular and documenting those would be nice. Also, would love to put into images how attractive I find the various industrial/run down/antique landscapes my city has.
>>3681290Looks pretty beat and it's missing a rubber cover. Doesn't speak good of how this was taken care of. Take into account there's no warranties involved here. As for entry level cameras, I guess realistic options include a D5xxx, T5i, T6 (which AFAIK is not worth it but I could be wrong), I remember seeing a T6s that I could afford. If a pleb tier camera expert could help me out, I'd be very grateful, frens.