Back from work, prepping for semester, and life
>>3294025thank you very much. More will come along the way.
>>3294606>>3294607>>3295177>>3295458>>3295690>>3295819>>3295834I just got started acquiring a bunch of pingles to start creating your inventions.
Finally getting around doing that like I promise last thread.
>>3298182I like your idea, that's basically what I'm trying to do the same but by making one at the largest format.
Yea these used to take 127 film but that's long gone.
You can cut 120 film into 127 but using a cigar cutter.
A shutter can be diy lens cap that you can just easily take it off and on.
Oh and watch out if any of those cameras have an asa meter. otherwise you might be limited with what films can go into the camera.
>>329869216:9 would best and is actually the closest to getting it when shooting 35mm in a 127 film camera
>>3298723god tier
total badass
I'm basically trying to make that but from an 8x10 as a summer goal.
I'm going to be developing some Tri-X 400 for a bit and see if my test shots went through.
The 8mm lens is a pain in the ass to take apart but halfway done
It seems like this camera was welded together when it was made. This thing could a steel brick.