>>3313903>>3313916Seems fine. No exif? Is this a point&shoot or one you can change lenses with? Get some pics with more white in them and hard edges. That way you can see how the lens does with CA in the worse conditions. Like point it up at the sky through a tree or something similar. That will give you a good idea how to better work with it, if you decide to get it. That usually isn't a deal breaker for the most part.
>>3313944Actually, the thread we are in now was the first thread. It is 13 days old. This one,
>>3308442 is only 12 days old and this one,
>>3309277 is only 10 days old.
>picTry another program that does HDR. It looks off. Like CA is messing up the edges, but that might be how the HDR program compiled it. Is the DPP program built into the camera or stand alone? Canon, right?
>>3313949Are those fingerprint/wood grain like patterns in the purple haze being caused by jpeg compression or some moire effect from the scan or was that from light frequency thing and shutter speed? Also, there's a hair, in the upper right corner that needs edited out. The subject would be nicer if the frame rate was faster in order to remove his motion blur. That'd take a wider aperture though and probably end up changing too much (could be good or bad). Otherwise, looks fine.