>>3519256>Operating Profit >>>>> marketshare.Not over the long term it doesn't, so long as you are making some profits.
>>3519257>It's not -18%. It's -81%.Next time specify wtf you're looking at. See:
>>3519141>>3519259>And how does this explain 6 quarters of disastrous operating profits?>making billions of yen is "disastrous"The entire market is shrinking. Canon's profit margins are falling, but Sony has lost marketshare and is now projecting shrinking profits for 2019. Looking at ILCs Sony enjoyed being (practically) the only FF mirrorless manufacturer for 2017 and 2018, and that's a high profit margin niche. Now that's over and they have to compete with Canon, Nikon, Panasonic, and Fuji MF. They cannot maintain their profit margins, there's a ton of competition in what was really their only niche.
Since they've lost their niche marketshare is now a dominate concern because with razor thin margins you have to increase marketshare, but they are losing marketshare.
OTOH Canon's most profitable glass is about to hit the market, along with a refresh of the EOS M line which, btw, out sells Sony. Canon has probably taken most of the hit they're going to take from the market contraction. Sony's problems are just starting.