>>3570490Pinhole caps are really easy to make. I made a few recessed ones, but those are difficult to make correctly. Normal ones are super easy to make though. It is all about matching the pinhole size to the focal length for best clarity. Well, that and perfectly round holes with very thin material the pinhole is in.
If you have a pair of cheap plastic calipers you can measure the focal length easily. Pinholes for longer focal lengths are larger and far easier to get right.
>D80If I remember correctly, a body cap for Nikon F-mount with a hole in the center, will be almost exactly 50mm focal length and will need a 0.3mm pinhole for best clarity. That will be the easiest one to make. I used a large drill bit to take some, but not all the material from the spot the pinhole will be on the back side of the cap. Then I used a 0.3mm manual twist micro drill bit to make the final hole through the plastic. I used a drawing compass to scratch out where the center of the cap needed to be. Here's pics of the cap and a sample image.