>>3180703>>3180704Sorry for my own late reply (holidays are crazy) and thank you again for your help, I really appreciate it an immeasurable amount. Having this type of feedback and instruction when I am just starting is just so important.
I have sadly not had much of a chance to work on what you have addressed but will begin work on it again in the morning.
>learn to see the grunge.This is what I need to work on a lot, I am having trouble seeing the blotchy values. Even with desaturation and contrast adjustments. I think this is something that just takes time to develop and eye for I suppose.
>I always hate to say it but to do the d&b "carving" phase of the high end edit correctly it really requires understanding of drawing and paintingA totally sensible thing to state, I also am learning to draw and paint (I need much, much more loomis)
Thanks again man