>>2944666>If your favourite way to critique is sucking your own dick, you'd better give up on my momlmao wut, your autism hurts my brain.
Sorry that I said mean things about your photo bubby, but it's better you hear the truth early on. If you failed to comprehend what's wrong with this photo then allow m to go into more detail.
First off it's underexposed (meaning it's too dark), google "the exposure triangle" to learn the basics of how shutter speed, aperture and ISO are used.
The light is bad, it looks as though you shot this during midday. Trying going out at sunrise or sunset.
The subject is boring as shit, it's an empty park bench, whoop-de-doo. Wait for someone to sit down, it's cliche but you're new to photography so who cares, and it can make for a far more interesting subject.
For composition you'll want to google "the rule of thirds", this implies placing your points of interest on certain parts of your frame to create balance (such as the horizon line and bench), with practice and experience you'll also learn when to break this rule. For the horizon you rarely want to centre it, in most cases it's best to place it on the top or bottom thirds. Pic related shows the rule in action, I've placed the horizon on the bottom third and each bench leg on a third, which gives a much stronger composition overall. Another thing to mention is be careful what you're placing your subject in front of, notice how the seat of the bench clashes with the brown trees in the background? It would have been better to place the backrest and seat against the sky, or have the backrest against the sky and the seat against the water.
Lastly the dust specks. Clean your fucking sensor/lens, and if they still show up in photos then edit them out.