>>4270787GR3: *fishes around in trenchcoat pocket* ok now its turned on okay let me just focus it really quick oops i had snap focus set too close hold on you dont understand this is a street photography technique *drops fedora* oooooh thats why i was supposed to wear a beanie one minute please *snap* oh damn sucks again, auto mode on this sucks, manual mode is so fiddly, ugh, well street photography is all about the surprises. even if you dont have any ideas if its blurry at a dutch angle by accident, art! oh, oh... why are there so many dust spots...
Sony: *is left turned on, on a strap* lol this autofocus is literally magic 10fps go snapsnapsnapsnapsnapsnapsnap talk about just getting the shot hahaha this camera is amazing its so good its only exactly as good as the person using it technology is amazing. i love how auto iso-min ss makes aperture priority mode so usable for everything. it's what P mode was meant to be. And I have IBIS, so I can take one second handheld exposures. Nice! Huh, pcckets? Dude you're wearing a burglar's hoodie, you can fit anything in your pocket.
>>4270791Holy fucking woman. Or just asian? Or weirdly tiny hands? You know men taller than 5'10" not only exist, but are the majority of people in the civilized world?
Please check your hand against this chart. You might have a mild deformity, ahem, I mean, normal human variation.