>>3590239I've been hearing the "film is gearfagging to the max" debate rather often lately and in more places than just our beloved /p/. I mean, I guess there's something to be said for it. I enjoy using film for countless reasons that all make sense in my head and have no interest in digital. What started out in some photographers' minds as some sort of reverse-gearfagging essentially becomes just plain ol' gearfagging (just like there is no such thing as reverse-racism). Making any argument for shooting based on gear - one way or the other - is gearfaggotry.
In all honesty there are so many reasons for me to be shooting digital that could easily be argued. Smaller, faster cameras, less missed images and opportunities. Heck, I could even get half my house back because I could throw that jobo and drum scanner in the dumpster and only have a tiny camera bag and a laptop making up my entire photography kit. But... whatever I guess I just like it. It's just some version of fun for me. I would be bored to tears by a medium format digital.
It's also possible that you just don't like landscapes, which I totally understand.
Here's another.